Please check the latest news across the Trust here

Pupils celebrate GCSE results

A in Maths A-level for Year 10 student

Saint Benedict students celebrate A-level results

Student wins citywide public speaking competition

Memorial garden at primary school officially opened by Bishop

St George’s graded Outstanding in all areas by Ofsted

Primary school pupils given taste of Crown Green Bowling

School plans spectacular fundraiser for local hospice

Messages of positivity from pupils displayed on new Kindness Path

Pupils launch fundraising drive for school in Gambia

New Headteacher appointed at St Philip Howard CVA

St Mary’s graded Good with Outstanding features

Student with ‘remarkable talent’ to take Music GCSE two years early

Italian trip for St Philip Howard CVA pupils

Line dancing lessons at school raise £1,300 for charity

Pupils make ‘incredible memories’ on Iceland trip

11-year-old inspires schoolfriends to take on charity challenges

Memorial eco-garden created by staff and pupils at St Thomas’ CVA

School rebuilt following fire wins award

School receives top award for supporting pupils’ development